Tips to buy fifa 15 Packs with less FIFA 15 Coins


In the fifa ulitmate team though difficult to get good cards in packs, it’s still important to keep buying packs because the game only works when cards keep being inserted into the game through the store.

Which Pack to buy
Obviously it all depends on what FUTers want. For example, if building a bronze squad, players should buy a bronze pack. While getting more contracts and other consumables, consumables packs are the choices. However, most want the most expensive cards-Gold Packs. Which one?

It’s quite simple: buy an available Gold Pack with the lowest price for each rare player card. These are the only cards that can actually make someone rich and the other cards are almost worthless. To know which packs have the lowest price per rare card, players only need to divide the price by the number of rare cards basing on the table.

Players should pay more attention to the category of Packs if there are other cards besides players. Generally, the best packs contain guaranteed rare gold player card, the Premium Gold Players Pack is two times more expensive than the Rare Players Pack or the Jumbo Rare Players Pack, for example. However, there are no distinct differences if purchasing with FIFA Points. For example: Jumbo Premium Gold pack and Silver Upgrade pack cost both 15,000 fifa 15 coins but the first may be purchased with 300 Points while the second only 50 Points.

Where and how to buy?
Usually, the store is the place where Packs are sold. Players can purchase either with coins or points the right Packs including details like the number of rare cards each pack is your best choice to buy cheap fifa 15 coins.

When to buy?
It’s not absolutely true to buy Packs during Happy Hour. A Happy Hour is a period of time when special packs available on the market. It may be just one hour, a full day or even a weekend. During the Happy Hours, Packs that have a lower cost per rare card are usually more attractive than the regular ones.

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